What is the value of my company?
“What is the value of my company?”. A question that every entrepreneur sooner or later asks. It’s the first thing you think about when you consider selling your company, merging with another company, or selling a part of your shares. But even if these situations do not apply, an indicative valuation can provide you with valuable insights in the value drivers of your company.
The value of your company depends on many factors. And, like in any other industry, this also includes industry-specific components. Our team has specialist knowledge and extensive experience within the specific value drivers for the Tech industry. This allows us to provide you with a realistic valuation of your business.
The value of your company is so much more than “EBITDA x a multiple”
If you google the value of your company, you may come across all kinds of formulas to calculate this, but the true value is much more sophisticated than a simple multiplication. And that is a good thing. It would not be great perspective if the value of your company could be calculated with a simple multiplication of “EBITDA × multiple”. There is more than that!
We are specialized in making value analyses of IT companies. We use various valuation techniques and benchmarks for this and we take all relevant factors into account, such as the cash in the company, the level of recurring revenue or the fluctuations in working capital. This gives you optimal insight into the value of your business and in ways to optimize the value of your business.
Optimize the value of your business.
The value of your company depends on many factors. Factors that you can influence. It pays off to investigate what value-driving components (can) be discovered in your company and to optimize them. Especially if you are considering selling (part) of your company. Alternatively, merging with another party can also increase value of your company.
Are you curious to find out about what you can do to optimize the value of your company?
Plan an introduction with one of our consultants.
Plan an introductionFree of charge, an indicative valuation of your company
Are you curious about the value of your business on a stand-alone basis and what it could be worth for someone else? Leave your details below and we will contact you toprovide you with a realistic valuation of your company. You are not committed to anything yet.