Share disposal to TMC

Digital Consulting Services
NexyZ acted as an advisor for Mobilee

Share disposal to

Technical Managed Services Provider
NexyZ acted as advisor for Exertum Belgium

Share disposal to IG&H
Partner for digitization in the healthcare
NexyZ acted as an advisor for Beter Healthcare

Share disposal to
HR & Payroll Services
NexyZ acted as advisor of Centric

Share disposal Buy Out to

Human Resources SAP Consulting
NexyZ acted as advisor for HuRis

Share disposal to

Man, Appl & Data Services
NexyZ acted as advisor for Advanced Programs

Share disposal to

Online accountancy software
NexyZ acted as advisor for rompslomp

Share disposal to

SD-WAN&SASE solutions
NexyZ acted as advisor for Videns

Share disposal to

MS-Dynamics 365 solutions
NexyZ acted as advisor of Pixelzebra

Share Disposal to

SAP Solutions B1 Specialist
NexyZ acted as advisor of Anrova and Domani

Share Disposal to

Software Licensing Management
NexyZ acted as advisor for ITAM solutions

NexyZ acted as advisor of Centric

Housing activities
NexyZ acted as advisor of Centric